Home > Products > Fucus Jammer > Portable Drone Jammer > 260W 8 Channel longe Drone Jammer Gun
260W 8 Channel longe Drone Jammer Gun
  • 260W 8 Channel longe Drone Jammer Gun260W 8 Channel longe Drone Jammer Gun
  • 260W 8 Channel longe Drone Jammer Gun260W 8 Channel longe Drone Jammer Gun
  • 260W 8 Channel longe Drone Jammer Gun260W 8 Channel longe Drone Jammer Gun
  • 260W 8 Channel longe Drone Jammer Gun260W 8 Channel longe Drone Jammer Gun

260W 8 Channel longe Drone Jammer Gun

Ut professio 260W 8 Channel Longa Distantia Fucus Jammer Gun fabricator, Shenzhen Rongxin Communicatio Co., Ltd vellem tibi praebere products anti fucus relatas. Et offeremus tibi optimam post venditionem servitii et opportunam traditionem.

Mitte Inquisitionem

depictio producti

Hoc efficax 260W 8 Channel Longa Distantia Drone Jammer Gun domum vel terram fucus cogere potest in longo spatio circiter 2000-2500 metro, impedimento remoto ditionis signo inter fucum et humum.

260W VIII Channel longe Drone Jammer tormentarii Application

Ad minas UAV celeriter emergentes, nostri 260W 8 Channel Long Distantia Drone Jammer Gun adhiberi potest in locis infra commendare:

1.Government: Carceres, Curia, Militaria, Vigilum, aliae legis, etc

2.Infrastructure: Petrol Statio, Oleum Depot, Gas statio, Airport, Drug     rehabilitatio centra, procuratio Securitatis, etc.

3.Public& Events: Stadium & Events, Motus Meetings, etc

4.Transportation: Portus&marinus, Superyachts, etc

5. Detentionis Centra, Schola (examinatio, bibliotheca, etc.), Theatrum, Ecclesia,     Hospital, etc.

6.Personal VIP&Privacy,etc

260W VIII channel diu distantiam drone drone jammer gun specificationem





efficax dolor

2000-250 meter, pendere a reali environment



Output Power

410-485 MHz ( 433 MHz)   15W

840-920 MHz ( 900MHz)    50W

1100-1280 MHz (1.2 GHz) 15W

1300-1390 MHz (1.4 GHz)  25W

1560-1620 MHz (1.5 GHz)  25W

2400-2500 MHz (2.4 GHz)  50W

5150-5350 MHz (5.2 GHz)  30W

5725-5850 MHz (5.8 GHz) 50W

Summa 260W

Intra Antennae Lucrum


2400MHz  /14dBi

2400MHz  /14dBi


5800MHz  /16dBi

5200MHz  /16dBi

900MHz.  /9dBi

Output Power

Summa 260 Watt

Pugna usus Tempus

40-50 minute

opus temperatus

-40ºC ad +65ºC

Potestas Supple

24V 10A intra lithium-ion

(Potest ad coniungere externa altilium)

Relativum Umor


260W 8 Channel longe Drone Jammer tormentarii Caution

1. Omnis manus aperta simul magnam vim consumet;

Quaeso utere eo minus quam 10 minute, ut altilium vita tempus producat;

2.Please arguere jammer ante usum

3. Quaeso curare frequentiam vallum ad tuam necessitatem aptam vel efficaciter adhiberi non potest

4.Forbidden ut dum stultum

5.Barriers inter UAV et jammer movebit spatium vallum

Hot Tags: 260W 8 Channel longe Drone Jammer Gun, Sinis, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Lupum, Factory, Lorem, Brands, Quality, 1 Annos Warantum
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