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Handheld UAV Defense Portable Drone Jammer
  • Handheld UAV Defense Portable Drone JammerHandheld UAV Defense Portable Drone Jammer
  • Handheld UAV Defense Portable Drone JammerHandheld UAV Defense Portable Drone Jammer
  • Handheld UAV Defense Portable Drone JammerHandheld UAV Defense Portable Drone Jammer
  • Handheld UAV Defense Portable Drone JammerHandheld UAV Defense Portable Drone Jammer
  • Handheld UAV Defense Portable Drone JammerHandheld UAV Defense Portable Drone Jammer
  • Handheld UAV Defense Portable Drone JammerHandheld UAV Defense Portable Drone Jammer
  • Handheld UAV Defense Portable Drone JammerHandheld UAV Defense Portable Drone Jammer
  • Handheld UAV Defense Portable Drone JammerHandheld UAV Defense Portable Drone Jammer
  • Handheld UAV Defense Portable Drone JammerHandheld UAV Defense Portable Drone Jammer
  • Handheld UAV Defense Portable Drone JammerHandheld UAV Defense Portable Drone Jammer
  • Handheld UAV Defense Portable Drone JammerHandheld UAV Defense Portable Drone Jammer

Handheld UAV Defense Portable Drone Jammer

Rongxin, nobilis fabrica et supplementum Handheld UAV Defensionis Portable Drone Jammer, magnum inventarium altae qualitatis fucus jammerus habet parvo pretiis. Annis experientiae in fuco jammer productione specialiter praestamus optimam qualitatem et effectum.

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Lorem fucum emere potes aequo animo a nobis impeditos. Expectamus cooperante. Si plura scire vis, libenter nos tange, et tibi statim respondebimus! Haec manubrio UAV defensionis fuci detector domum vel terram statim in 500-1000 metro fucum cogere potest. fucus humus ultra moderari non potest; fucus speculandi photo et video terram quoque mittere non potest.

Rongxin 900MHz 40W Handheld UAV Defense Portable Drone Jammer Specification

Product Name

 900MHz 40W Handheld Drone Detector

efficax dolor

500-1000 metro, secundum realem applicationem environment


900MHz (Customized)

Output Power

40 W

Product Size

CCXL* CL* C mm (inter antennae haud)

Product pondus

1.6 kg

Materia de testa

Aluminium Alloy+ABS plastica

Pugna tempore

30-50 Minuta

Opus Temperature


Opus Umor



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