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Portable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection System
  • Portable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection SystemPortable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection System
  • Portable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection SystemPortable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection System
  • Portable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection SystemPortable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection System
  • Portable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection SystemPortable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection System
  • Portable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection SystemPortable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection System
  • Portable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection SystemPortable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection System
  • Portable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection SystemPortable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection System

Portable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection System

Ut opificem professionalem, volumus te fucum jammer praebere. Et offeremus tibi optimam post venditionem servitii et opportunam traditionem. Rongxin fucus portatilis jammer handtentus anti uav detectionis systematis independenter enucleatus, productus et venditus a nostro comitatu est. Inlicita fuci efficaciter prohibet.

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Rongxin Portable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection System Introduction

Rongxin est fabrica et elit Sinarum quae maxime fucum facit jammerus, modulus jammerus insignis, antenna multis annis experientiae. Spem aedificandi negotii cum you.Rongxin fucus portatilis jammer handtentus anti uav deprehendendi systema fucum redire domum vel terram statim in 1000-2000 metro cogere potest. fucus humus ultra moderari non potest; fucus speculandi photo et video terram quoque mittere non potest. Gratum est emere Rongxin fucum portatilem jammer handheld anti uav deprehensionis systematis a nobis. omnis postulatio a clientibus intra 24 horas respondetur.

Rongxin Portable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection System Specification

Jamming Range

1000-2000 meter, secundum

reali application environment

Jamming Signum


Output Power

Quisque canalis 20W, 3 Channel, tota 60W

Product Size

27.7*8*5.0 cm

Product pondus

1.50 kg

Materia de testa

Aluminium Alloy+ABS plastica

Pugna tempore

60-120 Minuta

Opus Temperature


Opus Umor


Potentia consummatio


DC Power

Rechargeable 24V/5000mAH

AC Power Input

AC110V~ 240V

Rongxin Portable Drone Jammer Handheld Anti UAV Detection System Feature

* Pro hoc Upgrade Handheld Long range 2km Anti Drone Jammer

* Securus ubique sumtus cum magnitudine portatili et pondere levi

* Longa 1000 ad 2000 metrum

* Long tempus opus ad II hora cum constructum- in rechargeable altilium

* IP65 gradu IMPERVIUS, calor resistens, anti fractus, odii offensus

Sarcina album

* Jammer*1pcs

* AC adaptor *1pcs


* User Instruction: offerre possumus online details photo illustratione ac video;

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* Post venditionesque servitium: nostra societas faciet consensum et officium per tempus praestat

* Free disciplina Lectiones ac Daily sustentationem

* Fast responsum Customer feedback et quaestiones

* Omnes producti gaudent 1 anno warantum et tempus technicum

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